Foreign Experience and Domestic Practice of Using Polygraph Examinations in the Activities of Law Enforcement Bodies
Scientific article devoted to the analysis of features of practices of use of polygraphic researches in foreign states and in the modern world of Ukraine. Theoretical consideration of the given problem of training is caused by research of vectors of historical development of the specified direction of researches, features of normative-legal volume of realization of polygraphic researches, the basic means of application in the international and domestic practice of activity of law enforcement agencies. This led to the identification of key issues of effective implementation of potential applications of the polygraph. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of foreign experience and domestic practice of using polygraphic research in the activities of law enforcement agencies. Methodology. During the preparation of the article, some general scientific and special scientific methods of cognition were used, in particular: historical, comparative, comparative, systemic, functional, generalization. Scientific novelty. As a result of the theoretical review of the current state and the problem of using polygraphic research in the practice of law enforcement agencies, the existing experience of scientific principles of application of this instrumental technique was retrospectively summarized, identified and some main promising areas for further implementation in law enforcement agencies. On this basis, further potential opportunities for improving the regulatory framework, mechanisms for collecting appropriate results and the division of methodological, interpretive, definitive-terminological and functional-bureaucratic obstacles to the application of printing research are built. Conclusions. The analysis of the problem allows us to state that despite the significant world and domestic experience of polygraphic research, to date, there is virtually no thorough psychologically determined research of their methodology and practice. The above necessitates the implementation of complex integrated research in both theoretical and applied areas of the stated scientific problem.Keywords: polygraph; polygraph examiner; polygraph survey; lie detection; experiment; psychophysiological research; neuropsychic processes.
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