Features of Rehabilitation of Persons with Dependence on Psychoactive Substances
The purpose of the article is to study the features of the rehabilitation process of persons with dependence on psychoactive substances. Methodology. The scientific concepts of the study of addictive behavior, namely chemical addictions, constituted the methodological basis of the article. Methodological tools are selected in accordance with certain goals, the specifics of the object and the subject of research. The classification of psychoactive substances and their influence on the physical and mental state are considered. Psychological approaches to the problem of drug addicts are characterized on the basis of the leading trends in psychology and the most developed theories. The role of prevention of the use of narcotic substances in the system of rehabilitation of drug addicts is revealed. Models of addictive behavior as a form of deviations are singled out. The leading psychological problems resulting from the use of narcotic substances are considered. The algorithm for conducting medical and psychological rehabilitation of persons dependent on psychoactive substances is analyzed. Behavioral and psycho-emotional manifestations in persons with dependence on psychoactive substances were determined. Depending on this, the main directions of rehabilitation work and the features of their implementation are determined. The features of the system of rehabilitation of drug addicts are revealed. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization and systematization of the results of research on the features of the medical and social rehabilitation of those addicted to psychoactive substances. Conclusions. The features of the medical and medical-psychological stages in the system of rehabilitation of persons with addiction to psychoactive substances are determined. The effectiveness of the approaches used in consultations by general somatic specialists aimed at informing about the consequences of drug use is substantiated.
Keywords: psychoactive substances; addictive behavior; chemical dependence; medical and psychological rehabilitation; rehabilitation environment.
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