Features of Emotional Intellect of Specialists from Canvassing with the Use of Polygraph National Police of Ukraine

  • O. Halustian

    Ph.D in Law, Senior Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on the Problems of Psychological Support and Physiological Studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

  • L. Zakharenko

    Ph.D in Psychology, Senior Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on the Problems of Psychological Support and Physiological Studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

  • T. Yurchenko-Shekhovtsova

    Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on the Problems of Psychological Support and Physiological Studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine



In the modern world of considerable distribution purchased canvassing with the use of computer polygraph. In Ukraine these questioning is conducted at a skilled selection and during a lead through judicial-psychological examinations. In the National Police of Ukraine, such surveys are conducted by survey specialists using polygraph. The theoretical analysis of the state of developed of this problematical allowed us to set absence of clear psychographic and professional requirements to the persons, which carry out questioning with the use of polygraph. It is known from accessible scientific sources, that conditionality and determinacy of emotional intellect is related to the row of personality lines. For this reason a research purpose was become by the empiric study of features of emotional intellect of specialists from canvassing with the use of polygraph the National police of Ukraine. Methodological basis of research was become by modern scientific looks to the structure of personality. Used structurally logical a method and methods of empiric psychological research (testing), comparative analysis, was instrumental in gaining end research. The empiric base of research (n=30) was made by specialists from canvassing with the use of polygraph the National police of Ukraine, which passing the courses of in-plant training on the base of the National academy internal affairs. Scientific novelty. The study found that neuroticism and extraversion – these are system-forming factors that significantly affect the emotional intelligence of interviewing specialists using the National Police of Ukraine polygraph, determine the differentiation of their inclination to a certain type of professional occupation, conformity and organization of activity. An increase in the number of polls conducted leads to an increase in the neuroticism of the respondents and their sensitivity to the new. Conclusions. Respondents should engage in the self-development of individual qualities of their own emotional intelligence. Important in the professional formation of polygraph experts is the realization of training sessions and the development of individual programs during training courses at the academy to master their skills of self-control and stress.

Keywords: emotional intellect; questioning with the use of polygraph; National police of Ukraine.


Author Biographies

O. Halustian

Ph.D in Law, Senior Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on the Problems of Psychological Support and Physiological Studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

L. Zakharenko

Ph.D in Psychology, Senior Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on the Problems of Psychological Support and Physiological Studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

T. Yurchenko-Shekhovtsova

Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory on the Problems of Psychological Support and Physiological Studies of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

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Psychological support of law enforcement