Psychological Features of Violation of Restrictions on Receiving Gifts
Violation of restrictions on the receipt of gifts in domestic law is considered as an administrative offense related to corruption, not directly, but indirectly belongs to corruption. Violation of restrictions on the receipt of gifts entails disciplinary, administrative and civil liability. The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the subjective side of the offense, provided for in Article 172-5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Methodology. The general scientific methods of formal logic (deduction, induction, analogy, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and modeling) are used, with the help of which administrative sanctions for violation of restrictions on receiving gifts are disclosed. Scientific novelty. The violation of the restrictions on the receipt of gifts is committed by the person solely intentionally, that is, the person is aware of the unlawful nature of his act or omission, anticipates its harmful effects and desires them or knowingly permits them to occur. Сonclusions. The results of the study show that the establishment of a balanced system of restrictions on the receipt of gifts in the national legislation is in line with international experience and helps to build a proper mechanism for preventing corruption. In the consideration of cases of the specified category by the courts, special attention is paid to: establishment of psychological aspects of these types of offenses, in particular the internal attitude of a person to violation of restrictions on receiving gifts, awareness of the social harm of the offender; to find out if the person was aware of the value of the gift and whether they were taking steps to determine that value. The problems of establishing violation of restrictions on receiving gifts in the activity of persons authorized to perform the functions of the state and local self-government, equal to them, are covered. The legal framework regulating the subject of the research is analyzed, as well as the jurisprudence that has emerged in the law enforcement process, resulting in the gaps in the legislation in this field.
Keywords: violation of restrictions; gift; legal regulation; hospitality; corruption.
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