Discipline as an Integral Professional and Psychological Quality of a Police Officer
Reforming of the units of the National Police is not possible without high-quality professional and psychological selection of candidates for employment and filling vacancies. One of the most important criteria and quality for professional and psychological selection of a police officer is discipline. The purpose of the study is to reveal key points of discipline as an integral professional and psychological quality of the police officer. Methodology. The research uses a set of general methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, scientific abstraction, generalization, analogy, modeling, classification. It also applies general theoretical methods, they are formalization, axiomatization and hypothetical-deductive. Scientific novelty. We have clarified the meaning of the definition of «police discipline» as an integral professional and psychological quality, which requires the ability of a person to strictly comply with regulations and to obey national and personal social and legal behavior. The integrality of policeman`s personality discipline is determined and mutually conditioned by its worldview, attitudes, motivation, volitional qualities and psychological readiness, is substantiated. The necessity of expert assessment of police discipline on a + (-) ten-point scale is justified. Positive discipline is useful, and negative can be useful for the individual, but not for the society and the state. Conclusions. Discipline is an important multi-factor integral professional and psychological quality of a police officer’s personality. Therefore, during the professional and psychological selection of candidates for police service and filling of a vacant position, in addition to test methods, it is necessary to use expert evaluation on a + (-) ten-point scale. A long-term plan of the research is to establish the degree of influence of next qualities on discipline, they are the worldview of the individual, attitudes, motivation, willpower, individual and professional styles and psychological readiness.
Keywords: discipline; police officer; professional and psychological quality; professional and psychological selection; National Police.
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