Application of Training Technologies Within Investigators’ Professional Training (on the Example of the «Interrogation Psychology» Training)

  • N. Miloradova

    Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology of the Faculty No. 3 of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The scientific article is focused on the issues of improving the process of training and retraining of investigators from pre-trial investigation agencies of the National Police of Ukraine through the use of psychological training technologies, namely professional psychological trainings. It has been noted that the growing role of communicative and creative component in the police activity requires more effective processing of obtained knowledge and the extended practical component of training of investigators within higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of training technologies for the development of skills of pre-trial investigation agencies of the National Police of Ukraine to use psychological knowledge in practice on the example of «Psychology of Interrogation» training. Methodology. The author has accomplished theoretical analysis of the existing scientific approaches of national and foreign researchers to determine the place of training technologies within the training of specialists. On the basis of generalization, systematization of existing developments in the field of application of professionally oriented trainings the author has developed the «Psychology of Interrogation» training. The scientific novelty of the article is the fact that it considers the structural, content, dynamic, organizational and methodological algorithms of conducting the author’s «Psychology of Interrogation» training. Conclusions. We believe that it is necessary to introduce training technologies into professional training and retraining of investigators in order to develop professional communicative competence of investigators, the formation of their skills to apply in practice psychological knowledge obtained during training. It is possible to develop general and special communicative skills necessary for investigators during such an investigative (search) action as interrogation just with the help of professionally oriented trainings. The introduction of psychological trainings into training and retraining of investigators on the following topics is perspective: specific features of the use of psychological influence while conducting investigative (search) actions, psychological features of conducting interrogation (questioning) of a child, communicative competence of a police officer and others.

Keywords: training technologies; training; investigative (search) actions; interrogation; communicative skills; investigator.


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Author Biography

N. Miloradova

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology of the Faculty No. 3 of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine


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