Structural Components of Investigator’s Readiness for Professional Activity
The purpose of the article is to generalize the scientific state of development and unification of the unified structure of the components of readiness of employees of pre-trial investigation bodies for professional activity. This will allow to determine certain criteria of requirements that must be met by a modern highly qualified and competent investigator. Methodology. Theoretical interrelated research methods were used to solve the set tasks: analysis, comparison, generalization of scientific-theoretical and research data, systematization, etc. in order to compare different points of view, clarify the content of individual concepts, the essence of the components of the investigator’s readiness for professional activity. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the following: the structural elements that make up the components of the investigator’s readiness for professional activity have been improved, taking into account the functional responsibilities of the employees of the pre-trial investigation bodies, for the first time, it is proposed to define the motivational component not as a separate element, but as a trigger for other interconnected components (emotional, cognitive and activity), during the personnel selection for the National Police of Ukraine it has been further developed the need to take into account the components as a necessary factor of determining the high level of professional competence of the investigator. Conclusions. The scientific work deals with scientific approaches to the study of the components of the investigator’s readiness for professional activity. As a result, four elements are identified that make up the structural components of the investigator’s readiness for professional activity: emotional, cognitive and activity, which are determined by motivational. Each of the components is interconnected and interdependent. The author proposes to take into account the components as a necessary factor of determining the high level of professional competence of
a police officer in the personnel selection for the National Police of Ukraine.
Keywords: readiness; component; emotional; cognitive; activity; motivational components.
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