Current State and Problems of Gender Equality in the Activity of the Security Sector of Ukraine
The purpose of article is to the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific, scientific and journalistic sources to investigate the current state of gender equality in the security sector of Ukraine. To analyze the peculiarities of the problem of gender parity in the security sector of Ukraine on the example of the National Police of Ukraine. Methodology. Methodological tools are selected in accordance with the stated purpose, specifics of the object and subject of research. General scientific methods of formal logic (deduction, induction, analogy, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and modeling) are used, with the help of which the problematic issues of gender equality in the activity of the security sector of Ukraine are covered. Scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the authors have improved: understanding of the structure of the institute of gender equality in the activity of the security sector of Ukraine; taking into account the views of scientists and the norms of current legislation, improved the understanding of the essence of ensuring gender parity in the National Police of Ukraine. Conclusions. Ensuring gender equality in the security sector is a complex process characterized by its multifaceted nature. Gender mainstreaming and overcoming gender stereotypes in this area are extremely important, as the main criteria in this case should be professionalism and competence. The analysis of normative documents allows us to conclude that the introduction of gender equality in the activities of the National Police is an important area of activity. But the current state of gender equality needs to be improved to bring it in line with international standards. One of the promising areas of research in this area should be the development and implementation of effective mechanisms to ensure equal career opportunities for women and men in the security sector of Ukraine, in particular the National Police of Ukraine, taking into account the specifics of professional activity.
Keywords: gender equality; gender parity; gender stereotype; gender discrimination; ensuring gender equality, security sector; National Police.
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