Prevention of Bulling into Educational Environment
The purpose of the article is to analyze the foreign revision in the field of bullying prevention, to find out the most effective types, directions and conditions for the implementation of the methodology for preventing bullying in children’s centers. Also highlights the social and individual psychological causation of bullying, the prospects for legislative and educational impact on school bullying. Methodology. The methodological toolkit was selected in accordance with the intended goal, the specifics of the object and subject of research. A set of methods was used in the scientific research, including: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of literary sources and theoretical approaches from the selected problematics) empirical methods (observation, survey, testing); comparative legal – in the analysis of legislation and scientific categories and historical and legal, the development of scientific views on the specified problematic issue. The scientific novelty lies in the introduction and implementation on the territory of the state of a comprehensive program for the prevention (prevention) prevention of bullying in children, in particular educational, environment. Conclusions: Bullying is a fairly common phenomenon that adversely affects personality formation and socio-psychological adaptation both to Buler himself and to his victim. Analysis of modern works devoted to the problems of bullying in the educational environment shows the need for a deep and systematic study of this phenomenon, the search for new methods to overcome this phenomenon.
Keywords: bullying; buller; victim; child; teenager; educational environment.
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