Post-Traumatic Syndrome of Women Subjected to Violence
The article is devoted to the analysis of the situation with gender equality in Ukraine. The causes of gender-based violence are investigated, and ways to overcome such a negative phenomenon are proposed. The term «post-traumatic syndrome», the possibility of minimizing its consequences are described. It is emphasized that violence against women has a number of complex causes, and the current crisis in the country, the silencing of the dilemma in society, the prevalence of gender stereotypes and the lack of awareness of women’s rights only exacerbate the situation. The problem of violence at the international level is recognized not only as a component of the problem of preventing violence against women, but also as a violation of women’s and human rights in general. Ukraine as a state can provide adequate legal protection to women victims, as there are all legal grounds for this. The purpose of the article is to find out the features of the post-traumatic syndrome of women who have experienced violence. Objectives: to describe the concept of post-traumatic syndrome; to understand the trends of violence against women in Ukrainian society; to find out possible ways to overcome or minimize negative phenomena. The research methodology is epistemological and ontological approaches to the subject of analysis. The scientific novelty manuscript is that: 1) the doctrine of women’s rights in modern society and the state received further scientific development; 2) the theoretical material on the issues of gender equality and gender violence was improved; 3) focus on the analysis of the effectiveness of public authorities, including law enforcement agencies in this area was made; 4) the need to form a new ideology of gender equality is emphasized. Conclusions. Training and educational activities are needed in order to implement in practice the principles of gender and protection of feminist rights and freedoms declared by law.
Keywords: women’s rights; ideology; post-traumatic syndrome; state bodies; gender equality; violence.
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