Features of Emergency Psychological Assistance in Different Psychophysical Reactions of Personality


The purpose of the article is to study the question of the peculiarities of providing emergency psychological care for various psychophysical reactions of the individual The methodological basis of the article was formed by scientific concepts of studying individual psychological aspects of providing psychological assistance. The features of the influence of extreme situations and stress on the psychoemotional state of the individual are considered. The role of the dynamics of experiencing a traumatic situation and states arising as a result of personality traumatization is revealed. Depending on this, the main types of reactions to stressful situations, their forms and manifestations are determined. The activity of practicing psychologists in working with persons who find themselves in emergency situations is analyzed. The negative influence of extreme situations and the psyche of the individual are determined, and the main types of psychoemotional reactions that arise immediately after an emergency are determined. The features of the experience of an affective state and the features of its course are revealed. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization and systematization of research results on the features of the provision of emergency psychological assistance for various psychophysical personality reactions as a result of experiencing a traumatic situation. Conclusions. A number of practical recommendations that should be used in the provision of psychological assistance are identified and the main caveats are considered. The effectiveness of the approaches used in organizing the provision of emergency psychological assistance to a person who has fallen into emergency conditions has been substantiated. The role of the psychological assistance service, their basic functions, and the basic principles of providing psychological assistance are determined.

Keywords: psychological assistance; psychophysical reactions; delirium; nervous trembling; crying; extreme situations; state dynamics; emergency psychological assistance; stress; affect.


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Author Biographies

V. Koshchynets

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Western Interregional Department for the Execution of Criminal Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

M. Halych

Lecturer of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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