The Resilience as a Resource for Self-Realization of Future Lawyers
Self-realization characterizes a person's need for comprehensive disclosure in all spheres of life. The new challenges facing young people today require them to master the skills to manage their own resources: health, emotional, motivational-volitional, cognitive spheres, to be viable for solving established tasks. The study purpose to: analyze the relationship of self-realization of indicators and the viability of the student’s future lawyers; to study groups with high and low levels of vitality and characterize the indicators of self-realization in the studied groups. Methodology. The research used the following methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and interpretation of special sources and theoretical approaches of the selected problem); empirical methods (observation, survey, testing); mathematical and statistical methods. For the processing of empirical data, the method of quantitative analysis (correlation analysis using the computer program for statistical data processing SPSS 23.0 for Windows) and qualitative analysis (the method of «aces» and «profiles») were applied. Psychodiagnostic complex: methodology «Human resilience» (A. Rylskaya) and «Multidimensional questionnaire of personality self-realization» (S. Kudinov, S. Kudinov). Scientific novelty. This study 1) clarified the content of the concepts of «self-realization», «resilience»; 2) the relationship between indicators of vitality and self-realization is theoretically substantiated and empirically confirmed; 3) empirically revealed the typical types of self-realization of persons with different levels of vitality; 4) the resource role of resilience in personal self-realization has been proven. Conclusions. It has been established empirically proved that for law students with high levels of resilience have harmonious self-realization, having a clear idea of their own aspirations and ways of their implementation. Demonstrate optimism, healthy rationalism, adequate self-esteem, activity, energy, perseverance, dedication, initiative, responsibility, high vitality, control of behavior, a tendency to introspection, striving for personal growth, a desire to realize oneself for the benefit of a common cause and other people. For a group of students with a low level of vitality, a characteristic inert level of personality self-realization. They are characterized by moderation, low self-control and self-organization, apathy, irritability, depression, aggressiveness, anxiety, stiffness, rigidity of behavior, self-doubt, resentment, rejection of criticism, avoidance of responsibility, and low self-esteem. They prefer not to experiment, go the beaten path, use well-known standard schemes of self-expression, show stability in habits, relationships, and hobbies.
Keywords: personality; students; self-realization; vitality; resilience; harmonious self-realization; inert self-realization.
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