Overcoming Opposition to Investigation of Escape from Prisons or Prison
The purpose of the article is to highlight the organizational and tactical measures and techniques to overcome opposition to the investigation of escape from prisons or from custody. Methodology. Methodological tools are selected taking into account the purpose, specifics of the object and subject of research. A system of methods of scientific cognition is used. In particular, these are the methods of: formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, abstraction) – in order to clarify in detail the content of the issues under consideration; theoretical – for the study of scientific literature; empirical – in the course of conducting an experimental study and interviewing investigators of the National Police of Ukraine; method of systematic analysis – in the context of determining measures to overcome the opposition to the investigation of escape from prisons or from custody. Scientific novelty is due to the definition of the most effective measures to overcome the opposition to the investigation of escape from places of imprisonment or from custody. Conclusions. When investigating an escape from a place of imprisonment or from custody, the investigator must be prepared to oppose other participants in the criminal proceedings and to take timely measures to detect and overcome them. Most often, investigators are opposed to the investigation of this category of crimes by the person who committed the escape; her defender; other convicts, including those who witnessed or witnessed the escape; relatives of the fugitive and other close persons (acquaintances, comrades); strangers to the fugitive who, for various reasons, assisted him after the escape or otherwise obstructed his search; management and staff of the penitentiary or pre-trial detention facility, staff escorting convicted or detained persons. The most dangerous manifestation of opposition to the investigation of escape from prisons or detention is the opposition of the management and staff of the penitentiary or pre-trial detention facility, as well as staff escorting convicted or detained persons.
Keywords: opposition to the investigation; overcoming opposition; criminalistics; investigation; National Police; imprisonment.
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