Tactics of Conducting Certain Investigative (Search) Actions during the Investigation of Animal Cruelty
The purpose of the article is to highlight the tactics and basic tactics of certain investigative (search) actions during the investigation of animal cruelty. The methodological basis of the study is a dialectical-materialist method that helped to understand the object of study in the context of combining the needs of science and practice, methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy, abstraction), which allowed to better understand the tactics of individual investigators (search) during the investigation of animal cruelty. The following special legal methods were used in the study: comparative legal – during the analysis of substantive and procedural law, scientific categories, definitions and approaches; historical and legal – to highlight the content of the basic concepts: «tactics of investigative (investigative) actions», «tactical reception» on the basis of scientific views and provisions of current legislation; method of system analysis – for a comprehensive generalization of the tactics of individual investigative (search) actions during the investigation of animal cruelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to highlight the tactics of conducting individual investigative (search) actions in the investigation of animal cruelty. A number of recommendations have been made to overcome negative psychological factors during such investigative (search) actions as: search, simultaneous interrogation of two or more interrogated persons, investigative experiment. The necessity of application of psychological methods of influencing the behavior of a person – participant in the investigative (search) action is substantiated. Conclusions. During the investigation of animal cruelty, the tactics of conducting such investigative (search) actions as search, simultaneous interrogation of two or more already interrogated persons, investigative experiment, have a number of features. With regard to the choice of tactics of their conduct, should be taken into account: first – compliance with legislation, organizational and tactical principles of conduct; secondly, the level of professional knowledge of the investigator, in particular in the field of psychology.
Keywords: investigative (search actions); stage; investigation; forensic tactics; cruel treatment; animal; tactics.
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