Legal Status of Child who has Become a Victim of Crime Against Sexual Freedom and Sexual Integrity

  • H. Nikitina-Dudikova

    Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of this article is to clarify the legal status of a child who has become a victim of a crime against sexual freedom and sexual integrity. According to the results of the research, the following tasks have been solved: the provisions of national and international legislation which form the basis of child legal status in criminal proceedings are analyzed; problems are identified and proposals are elaborated for its solution; the background of child legal status – as a victim of a crime against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability – are formed. Methodology. The general dialectical method of actual phenomena scientific cognition was selected. Among the special research methods the following are used: comparative – during the analysis of legislation and scientific categories; historical – to reveal the meaning of «child» and «legal status» concepts, development of scientific views regarding certain issues; systemic-structural – to form the background of the legal status of a child who has become a victim of a crime against sexual freedom and sexual integrity. The scientific novelty is presented by the interpretation of the term «child» – a victim of a crime against sexual freedom and sexual integrity, as underage or minor who has not reached the full age and has become a victim of a crime against sexual freedom and sexual integrity and acquired the appropriate procedural status of a victim in criminal proceedings. Conclusions. The legal status of a child who is a victim in a criminal proceeding (crime against sexual freedom and sexual integrity) is characterized by a number of features related to: the need to ensure respect for the child’s right to private and family life, inviolability of property, correspondence confidentiality, respect for honor and dignity; ensuring respect for the child’s right to get protection from all forms of physical and psychological violence. Issues concerning the need to ensure the exercise of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the child in criminal proceedings in accordance with international standards should be addressed.

Кeywords: child; legal status; criminal proceeding; crime against sexual freedom and integrity; international standard.


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Author Biography

H. Nikitina-Dudikova

Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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