The Current State of the Psychological and Legal Understanding of Illegal Handling of Weapons, Ammunition, or Explosives
The purpose of the article is to shed light on the state of modern psychological and legal understanding of illegal handling of weapons, ammunition, or explosives in the conditions of the Joint Forces Operation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Achieving this goal involves the following tasks: to highlight and analyze the current psychological-legal status of illegal handling of weapons, ammunition, or explosives; identify ways to combat the illicit proliferation of weapons; outline the problem of unauthorized arms trafficking and fighting this socially dangerous phenomenon. Methodology.Methodological tools are selected under the purpose, specifics of the object, and subject of research. The article uses complex scientific methods, such as the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge of phenomena, terminological, system-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal, and historical-legal. Scientific novelty. The growing trend of crime depends on the economic, political, and social standard of living of every citizen of our state. During the war in eastern Ukraine, with the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, the social capacity of people to ensure a normal life is becoming increasingly difficult. That is why crime increases and the social equality of people decreases. More and more criminals are revealing their capabilities, more weapons are used in the commission of crimes. During the war, the circulation of weapons becomes less controlled, so weapons and ammunition fall to civilians, who in turn use weapons for other purposes without the appropriate skills and permits. Conclusions. The fight against illicit arms trafficking, ammunition, and explosives is one of the most important problems in society and in our country as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly understand the current state of arms trafficking in the country and find effective methods to combat this illegal phenomenon.
Keywords: law; permission; responsibility; crime; arms trafficking; determinants; aggression; fear.
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