Peculiarities of Professional Communication in the Activities of Pedagogical Employees of Industrial Education National Police of Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study the issue of the peculiarities of professional communication in the activities of pedagogical workers of branch education of the National Police of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological toolkit was chosen in accordance with the intended purpose, the specifics of the object and subject of research. The methodological basis of the article was formed by the scientific concepts of studying certain aspects of the pedagogical skill of the teacher of the HEI. The features of professional communication and in the activities of pedagogical workers of branch education of the National Police of Ukraine are considered. The role of the teacher's communication skills and the prerequisites for their formation, which are the components of professional success, have been determined. The importance of pedagogical communication in the preparation of police officers is analyzed. The main determinants of the formation of professional competence and pedagogical skill of a teacher and their role in ensuring the educational process have been determined. The essence of communication barriers and culture of speech and their influence on the implementation of the goals of the communicative process have been clarified. The role of the humanistic position of the teacher in the process of dialogical interaction is highlighted. Scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization and systematization of research results on the features of effective professional communication of teachers of the National Police of Ukraine, while ensuring the educational process. Conclusions. A number of practical recommendations have been identified that should be used in the organization and implementation of the educational process. The effectiveness of the approaches used in the system of formation of pedagogical skills of pedagogical workers of branch education of NPU has been substantiated. The essence of the pedagogical work of a teacher of a higher education institution as a special form of highly qualified mental activity of a creative nature has been established. The role of the components of the teacher's professional and pedagogical communication in the process of training police officers and further formation in their professional activities has been determined.

Keywords: professional communication; pedagogical excellence; teacher; dialogical interaction; a culture of speech; communication; communication barriers; humanistic orientation; National Police of Ukraine; educational process.


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Author Biography

L. Voiat

Ph.D in Law, Lecturer of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Theoretical and methodological issues of legal psychology