Peculiarities of Personal Realization/Potentiality of Cadets-Men and Cadets-Women
In today’s world, personal realization/potentiality is the measure that determines a person’s readiness for self-realization and self-improvement. That is why the purpose of the study was to empirically study the characteristics of personal realization/potential of cadets who study in a higher education institution with specific learning conditions. The methodological basis of the study were modern scientific views on human self-realization in life. The use of the structural-logical method, methods of empirical psychological research (testing) and comparative analysis contributed to the achievement of the research goal. The empirical basis of the study consisted of cadets-men (n = 14) and cadets-women (n = 14), who are studying now in the 2-nd year of the National Academy of Internal Affairs. Age – 18–22 years, single. Scientific novelty. The study identified gender and personal characteristics of respondents that determine their realization/potential in life. Gender differences are manifested in the peculiarities of experiencing the realization of personal potential in nowadays: cadets-women are more satisfied with self-realization now, than cadets-men. Respondents have the potential for personal self-realization in the future: the potentialization of cadets-women is an active life, based on experience, cadets-men – in independent decision-making. Personal characteristics of cadets-men and cadets-women are manifested in the course of self-actualization: self-actualized individuals are characterized by achievement motivation, communication, cognitive activity, the desire for professional growth in the chosen profession. Conclusions. It is important in the professional development of police officers to identify and realize their personal potential at the stage of professional training.
Keywords: cadets-men; cadets-women; self-realization; personal realization, personal potential.
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