Professional Orientation as a Dynamic Quality of Personality


The article considers the peculiarities of the professional orientation of the individual. It is determined that the process of development of professional orientation is realized through the formation of its individual components, such as professional interest, attitude to the chosen profession, values orientations, professional attitudes and motives. The purpose of our research was to identify the psychological characteristics of professional orientation as a set of motivational entities and a system that determines the characteristics of behavior and direction of the individual. The methodological basis of the article were general psychological provisions on the essence and development of personality in the process of life activity (G. S. Kostyuk, S. D. Maksimenko, V.P. Moskalets, S. L. Rubinstein, L. E. Orban, T. M. Titarenko), the principle of a systematic approach, which has become widespread in modern scientific developments (I. V. Blauberg, V. P Kuzmin, V. M. Sadovsky, B. S. Ukraintsev, I. T. Frolov, E. G. Yudin), the principle of unity of consciousness and activity (E. A. Klimov, O. M. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein), also the approach to understanding professional orientation as a factor of personal growth (V. A. Bodrov, E. A. Klimov, G. V. Lozhkin, A. K. Markova, V. O. Molyako, V. A. Semichenko, A. V. Furman). Scientific novelty. It is established that there are different approaches to the definition of «professional orientation of the individual», but they all contain the opinion that this process is turns out in a positive attitude to the profession, predisposition and interest in it, satisfy material and spiritual needs, being engaged in professional activity. Professional orientation of the individual is a leading quality that develops on the basis of a certain system of knowledge and skills and is characterized by socio-psychological attitudes to a particular type of work in accordance with the needs, interests, inclinations and motives of the individual and expressed in willingness to make professional choices. Conclusions. Thus, the formed professional orientation largely determines not only the success of the activity in the chosen profession, but also affects the status and the whole life position of the individual. Therefore, systematic and purposeful work on the formation of professional orientation of the individual should begin with the school years and provide familiarity with the characteristics of various professions, prospects and difficulties that may arise in it, etc.

Keywords: personality orientation profession; professional orientation; personality; professional readiness; personality motivation; professional self-determination.


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Author Biography

M. Didukh

Ph.D in Psychology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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