Tactics of inspection of the scene during the investigation of criminal offenses committed by arson


Investigation of criminal offences committed in the form of arson requires extra attention as indicates the use of socially dangerous method, determines the crime category. Investigative (search) actions are the core approaches, in particular – crime scene examination. The purpose of the paper is to study the organization and tactics of crime scene examination in the course of investigating criminal offences committed in the form of arson. Methodology. Authors applied a set of general and specific scientific methods, namely: formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy); special legal methods (comparative, systemic analysis). Scientific novelty. Based on the study of empirical and theoretical sources the significance of special knowledge use in the course of investigating criminal offences committed in the form of arson has been underlined. Namely: forensic inspector or forensic technician of the National Police of Ukraine, expert of the Expert Service of the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine, specialist of the territorial body of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Taking into account the investigative situation, a specialist of the bomb squad, a K-9 handler etc. may be involved in the examination process. Conclusions. Organizational and tactical tasks of crime scene examination in the course of investigating criminal offences committed in the form of arson are: search for the spot cone with the traces left by fire on vertical and horizontal surfaces; comparison of the features of the spot with the peculiarities of equipment construction and operation, qualities of substances and materials used in the technological process; checking the condition of automatic fire detection and extinguishing means; use of all available means to detect and seize items and other media containing evidentiary information.

Кeywords: fire accident; criminal proceeding; pre-trial investigation; investigative (search) actions; organization; tactics.


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Author Biography

A. Lisitskyi

Researcher of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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