Features of Professional and Psychological Training the Investigators of the National Police of Ukraine for the Interrogation of Children – Victims of Violence

  • V. Koshchynets

    Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Western Interregional Department for the Execution of Criminal Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

  • О. Rivchachenko

    Ph.D in Law, Senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine



The scientific article is devoted to the issues of improving the process of professional and psychological training the investigators of the National Police of Ukraine in the field of interrogation of children – the victims of violence. The current problems of the spread the various forms of violence against children, the choice of the vector the  police services at the international level, with a focus on international standards, require significant revision and updating the training programs for specialists involved in criminal proceedings with children – the victims of violence. The purpose of the article is to research the features of professional and psychological training the investigators of the National Police of Ukraine to interrogate children victims of violence as one of the main characteristics of the professional success and ensuring the rights of a child. Methodology. In preparation the article one used some general and special scientific methods of cognition, in particular: historical, philosophical and legal, comparative, systemic, functional, generalization and psychological methods: questionnaires, surveys, interviews, testing. Scientific novelty. As a result of an empirical research of the current condition and problems of the professional and psychological training of the National Police investigators for the interrogation of children - victims of violence, its role and significance, the ways to improve professional and psychological training have been identified. On this basis, we have developed proposals to optimize the professional and psychological training of investigators by making changes to vocational and postgraduate education programs, as well as the development of special courses and optional training programs using the training ground «Green Room». Conclusions. The analysis of the problem the professional and psychological preparation of investigators for interrogation the children victims of violence, showed that in the process of professional development of specialists it is necessary to take into account requests the practical activities, modern methods and aids, to provide the use of practice-oriented methods of interactive adult study, and also providing psychological and methodological assistance to the specialists involved in criminal proceedings with children. Thus, the comprehensive professional and psychological preparation of NPU investigators for the interrogation the children victims of violence, will ensure the effective performance the professional tasks and improve the condition of real legal and psychological protection of the child – the victim of a crime. The issues covered are not final and require further scientific investigations.

Keywords: rights; freedoms of a child; professional and psychological training; investigator; interrogation; the child – the victim; violence.


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Author Biographies

V. Koshchynets

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Western Interregional Department for the Execution of Criminal Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

О. Rivchachenko

Ph.D in Law, Senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Psychology of the National Academy of internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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