Legal and Psychological Principles of Gender Equality in the Activities of the National Police of Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of legal regulation and psychological support of gender equality in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological tools were chosen taking into account the goal, the specifics of the object and subject of research. The general dialectical method of scientific knowledge of legal phenomena, as well as their connections with the practical activities of the National Police of Ukraine is decisive. The scientific novelty is the separation of legal bases for gender equality in policing, which are based on the provisions of international and national regulations, decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, regulate the defined area of legal relations. It is substantiated that the psychological principles of gender equality in the National Police are compliance with a number of principles: interaction and cooperation in solving official tasks regardless of gender, gender identity, other social, psychological, cultural characteristics, equal distribution of responsibilities, willingness to help; friendly attitude during the performance of official duties, as well as overtime; mutual respect and tolerant attitude to individuals, groups, society. Conclusions. The legal sources that regulate gender equality in policing are grouped into the following groups: international legal documents that define the fundamental legal framework for gender equality; normative legal acts of Ukraine, which regulate ensuring gender equality in police activity; court decisions of international and national courts, which interpret the above sources of law. It is substantiated that in the units of the National Police in order to psychologically ensure gender equality should conduct educational work. Such measures should be implemented in the entire system of professional training of police officers: initial professional training; training in higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions; postgraduate education; job training. In addition to mastering the theory and practice, such educational activities should include: research of the psychological climate in the unit, finding out the level of gender education of police officers; timely identification of problematic issues, including the facts of gender-based violence and the application of response measures, conducting classes on gender equality. Only a systematic and comprehensive approach to the legal and psychological foundations of gender equality in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine can ensure the result of law enforcement in psychologically comfortable working conditions.

Keywords: gender equality; National Police; legal regulation; psychological support


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Author Biography

N. Liakh

Lecturer of the Department of Police Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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