Psychological Principles of Legitimized Aggression in the Professional Activity of Police Officers
The purpose of the study is to determine the psychological basis of legitimized aggression in the professional activities of police officers. Methodology. The research uses a set of methods, covering: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and interpretation of literature sources and theoretical approaches to selected issues). On this basis, the essence of legitimized aggression is defined as a process of substantiating the acceptability and justification of various forms of aggressive behavior by attributing socially acceptable (legitimate) status. The scientific novelty of the article is to determine the psychological essence of legitimized aggression and outline the features of the formation and manifestation of legitimized aggressive actions of police officers. Conclusions. Defining the conceptual foundations of legitimized aggression in the professional activities of police officers is a combination of biological and social factors. Crucial in this process is the peculiarity of the police profession, whose representatives are under the influence of an increased likelihood of encountering aggression from other people or the need to commit aggressive actions themselves. The prospect of further research is to conduct an empirical study to determine the preconditions for the legitimate manifestation of aggressive behavior of police officers and to create recommendations to prevent the occurrence of abuse of office.
Keywords: aggression; aggressive behavior; legitimized aggression; policeman; National Police.
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