Formation of Personal Status of Students in the Team
The article highlights the concept of «personal status» of the student in the pedagogical process, features of the pedagogical process aimed at student development, taking into account its originality, identity, subjective experience, as well as the relationship of socialization, education, training, education. The formation of the personal status of students is defined as a purposeful psychological and pedagogical influence aimed at the development of personal qualities of young people, which aims to form the ability to personal self-realization and participation in social processes. The purpose of our study is to theoretically substantiate the psychological and pedagogical concepts of personality development, to suggest ways and conditions of forming a high personal status in student. The methodological basis of the article are general psychological and pedagogical provisions on the essence and development of personality in the process of life, theoretical provisions of the essence and patterns of personality development, its socialization, the principle of systematic approach, which has become widespread in modern scientific developments. spiritual creativity and practice. The methodology of formation of personal status is inextricably linked with the theoretical understanding of education and training of young people, we used comparative and historical research methods. The formation of personal status is based on humanistic principles, which are reflected in the emergence of new concepts, namely: psychological and pedagogical support, psychological and pedagogical support, personal image of a young person, subjective personal experience, educational space, life situation, event as a factor of education , intellectual and moral field of the team. The criteria of education are social experience, which consists not only of practical skills of participation in public life, but also of the level of development of positive personality traits. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the transition of modern education from the regulatory functions of special psychological and pedagogical conditions and requirements, the system of educational activities and spontaneous implementation of innovative forms of student activity to the organization of personal social experience in creating educational situations. Such situations require from pupils responsible social behavior, form personal social experience. Development of technology for the formation of personal status of the student. Conclusions. The formation of the personal status of the student, education accumulates the socialization of man in the process of its interpersonal interaction, in the educational process of the educational institution. An educated person with high authority contributes to the development of society with his achievements.
Keywords: pedagogical process; status; creative self-expression; education; socialization; training; social experience; self-education; student.
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