Features of the Influence of the Conditions of Professional Activity of Police Officers on the Emotional Sphere of the Personality
The purpose of the article is to study the issue of the peculiarities of the influence of the conditions of professional activity on the emotional sphere of the individual. Methodology. The methodological toolkit was selected in accordance with specific goals, the specifics of the object and the subject of research. The methodological basis of the article was formed by the scientific concepts of the study of individual factors affecting the performance of professional duties by the police. The features of the psychological training of police officers through the formation and development of professionally significant personality traits are considered. The role of professional and psychological readiness is revealed on the basis of individual personality traits as a determinant of preventing the occurrence of professional stress and preventing the development of maladaptive reactions of an employee. Depending on this, the main types of reactions to stressful situations, their forms and manifestations, have been determined. Analyzed stressful situations can affect the staff of the National Police. The negative influence of stressful situations and the psyche of the personality is determined and the main types of psychoemotional reactions that arise after an extreme situation are determined. The specificity of service in special forces leading to an increase in the level of negative changes in the emotional sphere of the personality is revealed. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization and systematization of the results of studies of the influence of the conditions of professional activity of police officers on the emotional sphere of the individual. Conclusions. A number of practical recommendations have been identified that should be used in the process of professional psychological preparation of a police officer for the performed activity, taking into account the impact on the emotional sphere of the personality. The effectiveness of the approaches used in the organization of psychological escort of policemen has been substantiated. The role of psychological readiness for professional activity in risky conditions for employees of internal affairs bodies has been determined.
Keywords: professional activity; professional readiness; psycho-emotional state; stress; professional stress; maladaptive reactions; operational and service activity.
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