Tactical Methods of Interrogation during Investigation of Animal Treatment
The investigation of animal cruelty is accompanied by the need to address a number of issues, namely: detection of all facts of illegal activities; identification of all accomplices in the commission of a criminal offense; finding out the ways and means of committing a criminal offense, etc. Investigative actions, including interrogation, are an important means of obtaining such information. Procedural, organizational, tactical, psychological features affect the tactics of interrogation. The purpose of the article is to study the tactics of interrogation in the investigation of animal cruelty. Methodology. Both general and special methods were used in the research process, namely: methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy); special-legal methods: comparative-legal, system-structural, method of system analysis. Scientific novelty. The choice of interrogation tactics in the investigation of animal cruelty depends on a number of factors: the range of persons to be interrogated and their psycho-emotional characteristics; materials and evidence available in criminal proceedings; the type of investigative situation that has developed. Conclusions. Thus, during the interrogation in the investigation of animal cruelty, the investigator may use different groups of tactics. The interrogation should begin with tactics aimed at establishing psychological contact. In order to stimulate memory, the interrogated investigator uses tactics to actualize the forgotten person. In order to reveal false information during the interrogation, to confirm or refute certain information, it may report the presence in the materials of the proceedings of material evidence that exposes the perpetrator of cruelty to animals or present them; to announce the testimony of other persons indicating his involvement in a criminal offense; announce the results of the examination, etc.
Keywords: animal cruelty; interrogation; tactics; tactics; interrogation tactics; investigation of animal cruelty.
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