Interrogation of a Juvenile: Forensic and Psychological Characteristics
The purpose of the article is to clarify the peculiarities of the interrogation of minors in criminal proceedings for criminal offenses and to provide its forensic and psychological characteristics. The task is to form a system of tactics that will help establish psychological contact with a minor interrogated, neutralize conflict situations, help prevent good faith errors in the testimony of the interrogated. Methodology. Methodological tools are a system of general scientific and special legal methods of cognition. The scientific novelty lies in the formation of forensic and psychological characteristics of the interrogation of minors in criminal proceedings for criminal offenses. It is substantiated that the interrogation of a juvenile is a procedurally and tactically complex investigative (search) action, for which the coroner must carefully prepare. It is necessary to establish psychological contact with a minor, conduct an interrogation in the form of dialogue, a confidential conversation. Conclusions. The investigation of criminal offenses in some cases is accompanied by conflicts between the investigator and the juvenile suspect. Juvenile interrogators often have difficulty reproducing the circumstances of a criminal offense, which leads to the emergence of good faith errors in testimony. According to the content of the article, these two problem situations are solved and algorithms for their solution are proposed. It is concluded that from the point of view of criminology, the interrogation of a juvenile in criminal proceedings for criminal offenses is an investigative (search) action, the content of which is to obtain and record in the prescribed form testimony containing information relevant to criminal proceedings. From the point of view of psychology, the interrogation of a juvenile in criminal proceedings for criminal offenses is a process of specific communication between the investigator and the participant in the criminal proceedings.
Keywords: interrogation; criminal proceedings; criminal offense; coroner; tactics; psychological contact.
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