Psychological and Criminal Characteristics of the Person of the Victim in Criminal Offenses Related to Domestic Violence

  • Yu. Komarynska

    Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


Analysis of scientific research and publications, study of materials for monitoring the state of regulatory response to and response to domestic violence, materials of investigative and judicial practice, suggests that the issue of timely and effective investigation of domestic violence and criminal offenses related to them, is becoming increasingly important. The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions for the formation of psychological behavioral characteristics of victims of domestic violence, understanding of which helps to establish cause-and-effect relationships and investigators choose tactics of obtaining forensic information during pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses related to domestic violence. The methodological basis of the article is general scientific methods of cognition such as analysis, synthesis, deduction and modeling, which in turn allows to determine the cause-and-effect relationships, the reasons for their occurrence. The use of the induction method allowed to establish the repetitive nature of events, special legal method - the description of legal phenomena, substantiation of the legality of the behavior of the offenders and grouping patterns of behavior of the victim. Research results.The study analyzed the psychological characteristics of the victim in criminal offenses related to domestic violence, which became the basis for determining the forensic classification of this type of criminal offense. The scientific novelty is that the article analyzes the psychological and forensic characteristics of the victim in criminal offenses related to domestic violence and proposes, based on this analysis, a forensic classification of criminal offenses in this category. Conclusion. The practical significance of the article is that the generalization of the behavioral characteristics of the victim of domestic violence allows for a forensic classification, which will serve as a basis for choosing the algorithm of the investigator’s actions to obtain verbal information during the pre-trial investigation.

Keywords: criminal offense; domestic violence; forensic classification; the person of the victim; investigation.


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Author Biography

Yu. Komarynska

Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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