Phenomenon of Professional Deformation of Police Investigators
The article presents the results of a scientific investigation of the peculiarities of the manifestations of professional deformation among the investigators of the National Police of Ukraine. It was determined that the respondents are characterized by professional deformation at the initial and secondary levels at different stages of formation. The respondents have no deep professional deformation. Professional deformation of police investigators is accompanied by professional burnout. The formed professional deformation of the initial level is characterized by changes in the image of «I», professional coarsening of the personality and moderately expressed indicators of professional burnout. The beginning of the formation of medium-level professional deformation is the growth of arbitrary and subjective interpretation of norms and requirements, the performance of a professional role outside the service, manifestations of prejudiced attitudes, the growth of emotional exhaustion, pronounced depersonalization of personal achievements. It was determined that with an increase in the length of service, the signs of professional deformation increase, but this does not affect the change in attitude towards oneself as a professional, more signs of professional burnout are manifested, in addition to the reduction of personal achievements. Respondents with more than 10 years of service experience interpret legal norms more reasonedly and have a less prejudiced attitude towards people acting as subjects of official activity, but are more dissatisfied with themselves and the productivity of their work, in contrast to investigators with less service experience and, accordingly, experience work. It was concluded that police investigators' dissatisfaction with the results of their professional activity can stimulate their further professional development or lead to a change in professional activity. Prospects for further research are defined as conducting further scientific research on a representative sample and formulating well-founded recommendations regarding the preservation of the professional «core» of investigative units of the police.
Keywords: police investigators; professional deformation; professional burnout.
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