Peculiarities of Interrogation Tactics during the Investigation of Illegal Possession of a Vehicle
Peculiarities of interrogation tactics during the investigation of illegal possession of a vehicle are accompanied by the need to solve a number of problematic issues, in particular, regarding the detection of all facts of illegal activity; establishing accomplices, methods, means and circumstances of committing a criminal offense. Investigative (research) actions are an important method of obtaining evidentiary information, and the first among them is interrogation. Consideration of procedural, organizational, tactical, psychological provisions determine the success of interrogation tactics. The purpose of the article is to form the basics of interrogation tactics of a suspect, witness, victim in the process of illegal possession of a vehicle. Achieving the set goal consists in performing the following tasks: determining the conditions of the interrogation during the investigation of illegal possession of a vehicle; highlighting the list of main issues that must be clarified during the interrogation of participants in criminal proceedings under the given conditions; disclosure of the peculiarities of the use of tactical techniques in the process of pre-trial investigation, depending on the investigative situation and other factors. Methodology. In the research process, both general scientific and special, namely special-legal methods were used: comparative-legal, system-structural, and the method of system analysis. Scientific novelty. The importance of taking into account the psychological features of the process of obtaining statements was noted, because the specifics of the investigator's professional activity repeatedly confirm the admission of false statements by individual participants in criminal proceedings during a pre-trial investigation into the facts of illegal possession of vehicles. The key to preventing, preventing, and stopping the giving of knowingly false statements by participants in criminal proceedings is to study the materials of the criminal proceedings and the identity of the interrogated person during the preparation for the interrogation. You should also use methods of detection and elimination of lies, which are based on psychology: consistent presentation of evidence; method of «indirect interrogation»; sudden questioning; slowed or accelerated pace of interrogation; use of «weak places» of the interrogated; creating an exaggerated impression of the investigator's awareness, etc. Conclusions. Interrogation is a verbal investigative (investigative) action, which is of primary importance in the process of pre-trial investigation, as it provides an opportunity to obtain evidentiary information, but requires taking into account the tactical and psychological features of its conduct. It consists in the application of tactical methods and their systems aimed at establishing psychological contact and overcoming opposition to the investigation of criminal offenses.
Keywords: illegal possession; vehicle; investigation; criminal offense, criminal proceedings; interrogation; tactical reception.
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