Toxicomania as a Type Deviant Behavior
The purpose of the article is to study the prerequisites for the formation and course of toxicomania as a type of deviant behavior. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is the scientific concepts of studying deviant and addictive behavior, namely chemical addictions. The methodological toolkit was chosen in accordance with the outlined goal, specifics of the object and subject of research. The classification of drug addictions caused by the abuse of opioids, tranquilizers, hypnotics, psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and their impact on the physical and mental state of the individual is considered. The dynamics of the formation of dependence according to the frequency of use of the chemical substance and the consequences of the psychophysiological state are characterized. The role of hereditary mechanisms in the formation of pathological addiction diseases and social prerequisites for the formation of addiction to narcotic substances is revealed. The main determinants of the formation of mental addiction are outlined, among which the unconscious desire and the need to avoid reality are highlighted as dominant. The consequences of the abuse of chemical substances are considered and the consequences of their influence on the cognitive sphere of the individual are described, somatic manifestations are characterized. Different models of the etiology of addictions were analyzed. Behavioral and psychoemotional manifestations in persons with addiction to psychoactive substances and the main post-intoxication manifestations are determined. Depending on this, forecasts for further exacerbation of the condition are determined. The role of the biological radical of predisposition in the formation of diseases of pathological dependence is revealed. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization and systematization of the results of research on the peculiarities of the development of drug addiction as a form of deviant behavior due to the abuse of chemical substances. Conclusions. Determinants of the development of drug addiction, the role of individual hereditary and genetic features of the biochemical processes of the human body, which can determine the tendency to addiction, have been determined.
Keywords: deviant behavior; addictive behavior; drug addiction; abuse; psychological dependence; drug addiction.
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