Bullying as a Type of Violence in Educational Institutions
Health and safety is at the forefront of public policy and the education system. Against the background of a decrease in the birth rate in the conditions of war, the quality of children’s health deteriorates, the level of social maladjustment and various variants of children’s deviant behavior increases. Sometimes, children’s uncontrolled cruelty towards peers (bullying) is a topic whose relevance is gradually increasing in society. There are many factors of bullying in the educational space: a family that finds itself in difficult life circumstances, a child’s negative environment, high (or low) financial status, permissiveness, impunity, aggressive influence of mass media. Practically in every educational institution, regardless of ownership and location, there is at least one class where mockery and open bullying are observed. The main problem is that almost anyone can be at risk. Topicality. Bullying is one of the most common negative problems in modern educational institutions, which creates psychological tension in the educational environment. The presence of bullying in educational institutions leads to a decrease in academic performance, an increase in the level of aggression, the formation of violent behavior, and emotional and neurotic problems. Often, victims of bullying suffer not only psychological, but also physical injuries, which greatly strengthens their position in the team and, as a result, generates even greater pressure from the aggressor. It is a form of abuse in which a physically or mentally strong individual in a group takes pleasure in inflicting pain or mockery, demanding submission and concessions, and taking possession of the property of the weaker. Victims of bullying tend to feel shame and self-doubt, but prefer not to report bullying and humiliation. The purpose of the article is to comprehensively investigate bullying as a threat to a safe educational environment and to the education of a full-fledged young generation of Ukraine to investigate the concept of bullying; the task is to identify its signs, analyze the types of bullying; determine the causes and conditions of its occurrence. Methodology. The dialectical method forms the basis of the research and found its manifestation in identifying the peculiarities of the development of bullying in the educational space. Using the system-structural method, the main components of bullying were considered. The specified methods were used in a complex, which ensured the reliability of the results of scientific research.
Keywords: bowling; baiting; violence; children; minors; educational environment.
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