Theoretical Origins of the Study of Potential Aggression of a Combatant after the End of Hostilities
The purpose of the article is to study the prerequisites for the study of potential combatant aggression after the end of hostilities. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article is the scientific concepts of studying aggressive human behavior in the context of historical consideration. The methodological tools were chosen in accordance with the stated purpose, the specifics of the object and subject of the study. The author reveals the substantive characteristics of the concept of «combatant» in order to distinguish the conceptual apparatus of the study. A number of theoretical views on the determination of aggressive human behavior within the framework of philosophy, sociology and psychology are considered. The main differences in the interpretation of the phenomenon of «aggression» in the most famous theoretical trends of psychological science are characterized. The essential features of the theoretical prerequisites for considering the potential aggression of combatants are outlined, taking into account the current conditions of military operations in our country. The foreign experience of identifying factors and prerequisites for potential aggressive behavior of combatants after the end of hostilities is analyzed. The theoretical foundations for further theoretical and empirical research of the stated problem are determined. The urgent need to study it in view of its social significance and significant social and personal losses in the absence of proper attention from the psychological community is substantiated. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization of the theoretical foundations of the problem of potentially possible manifestations of combatant aggression after the end of hostilities in our country. Conclusions. It has been determined that the experience of combat operations and the intensity of trauma during a military conflict largely determine the aggressive behavior of combatants after returning home. Mental health problems after a military mission are potentially determined by the possible use of alcohol as a means of changing reality or coming to terms with it.
Keywords: combatant; aggressive behavior; determinants of aggressive behavior; combat stress.
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