Factors of Legitimized Aggression in the Professional Activity of a Police Officer


Goal. Determinate of the factors of legitimized aggression in the activities of police officers, identification of the relationship between types of aggressive behavior and the locus of control. Methodology. A complex of methods was used in the scientific research, which includes: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and interpretation of literary sources and theoretical approaches on selected issues), empirical methods (survey, testing); mathematical and statistical methods. The method of quantitative analysis (correlation analysis) was used to process empirical data. Methodological support of the psycho-diagnostic research was carried out with the help of the following methods: 1. The author’s questionnaire «Aggression in the activity of a policeman». 2.  Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory; 3. Rotter’s Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. Scientific novelty. In the scientific research was: 1) clarified the meaning of the concept of «legitimated aggression». 2) Empirically studied the factors of legimized aggression in the activities of policemen. 3) The connection between the indicators of the methods was revealed using correlation analysis. Conclusions. The essence of legitimized aggression lies in the acceptability and justification of various forms of aggressive behavior by attributing a socially approved (legitimate) status. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that, on the one hand, the showing of aggression in the activities of a police officer is not acceptable, and on the other hand, it is allowed – it is legitimized, and everything depends on the specific situation. With the help of correlation analysis, the connection between the external locus of control and the indirect form of aggression was revealed. This indicates that police officers who have an external locus of control and transfer responsibility for the successes and failures of their lives to external circumstances are able to direct aggression in a indirect form. In particular, show aggression towards another person, or do not direct it towards anyone. The study of legitimized aggression in the professional activity of police officers requires a comprehensive approach, because the peculiarity of the police profession, whose representatives are under the influence of an increased probability of encountering aggression from other people or the need to take aggressive actions themselves, is of decisive importance in this process. The perspective of further research is the analysis of other diagnostic methods that were used as part of a scientific study to find out the prerequisites for the legitimate manifestation of aggressive behavior of police officers and to create recommendations for preventing the excess of official duties.

Keywords: aggression; aggressive behavior; legitimized aggression; policeman; National Police.


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Author Biography

O. Kovach

Postgraduate Student of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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