Меchanism of Juvenile Rights and Freedoms Administrative-Legal Regulation: Psychological Aspects
This paper outlines the mechanism of juvenile rights and freedoms administrative-legal regulation through the prism of ones’ psychological peculiarities. Based on the analysis of Ukrainian legislation, academic papers, specific requirements towards the elements of the mechanism of juvenile rights and freedoms administrative-legal regulation were formulated. The purpose of the article – contains analysis of problems related to the effectiveness of juvenile rights and freedoms administrative-legal regulation from the standpoint of jurisprudence and psychology with use of modern methodological tools. Methodology. Methodological tools are chosen in accordance with the set goal, specifics of the object and subject of research. The general dialectical method of scientific knowledge of legal reality is fundamental. The decisive methods of scientific research are a group of logical methods (induction and deduction, analogy), comparative-legal, systemic-structural. The scientific novelty stipulates justification of the need to implement approaches formulated with consideration of juvenile’s age and individual characteristics in the context of legislative initiatives, as well as in the educational environment. Conclusions. It is concluded that legal regulation of juvenile rights and freedoms is a purposeful regulation of juvenile behavior in the sphere of executive power backed by an entire set of administrative and legal means in order to ensure and guarantee ones’ rights and freedoms. Certain juvenile categories are distinguished within the mechanism of juvenile rights and freedoms administrative-legal regulation, with due consideration of age psychology: homeless juveniles; juveniles with special needs. Taking into account the proposed legal regulation characteristics, a system of administrative and legal acts was established to observe and protect the rights and freedoms of juveniles in the sphere of executive power, according to the following groups, depending on the regulation of matters: 1) participation of juveniles in public administration activities (obtaining the necessary information and documents in the prescribed format, establishing children's and youth public organizations); 2) receiving assistance from authorized bodies and organizations (right to medical care, right to education, right to obtain a passport, free use of social benefits, use of transport); 3) protection and restoration of ones’ rights and freedoms (administrative and judicial procedure). It is emphasized that legal awareness is a significant factor shaping the mechanism of juvenile rights and freedoms administrative-legal regulation. It reflects internal characteristics that also depend on external conditions (family traditions, homelessness, existence of special needs), and is implemented in the mechanism of normative-legal regulation.
Кeywords: аdministrative-legal regulation; mechanism; rights and freedoms; juveniles; psychological aspects; legal awareness.
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