Using Special Knowledge to Construct a Forensic Characterization of Criminal Offenses Committed by Arson


The use of special knowledge during the formation of the forensic characteristics of criminal offenses committed by arson contributes to the knowledge of the event of the criminal offense and the actions of the offender. In addition, special knowledge has different forms and features of implementation depending on the investigative situations at different stages of the investigation. The purpose of the article is the formation of the principles of using special knowledge during the construction of a forensic characterization of criminal offenses committed by arson. Methodology. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods were used, in particular methods of formal logic; special legal methods, primarily comparative legal methods – during the analysis of legal norms, scientific categories; systemic-structural – for formulating the basics of forensic characterization of criminal offences; method of system analysis – in the context of determining directions for improving the use of special knowledge; statistical and sociological – for conducting empirical research. Scientific novelty. It has been found that the involvement of special knowledge in procedural and non-procedural forms, from various fields of knowledge, will allow solving the following tasks when constructing a forensic characterization of criminal offenses committed by arson. In particular, we are talking about the use of special: fire-technical, explosive-technical knowledge, knowledge of forensic investigation of weapons and traces of their use (in order to establish such an element of forensic characteristics as a method of committing a criminal offense); fire-technical, electrical-technical, construction-technical knowledge (when clarifying the circumstances of the commission of a criminal offense); commodity, economic, environmental knowledge (regarding such an element of forensic characteristics as a subject of encroachment); traceological knowledge, knowledge of forensic investigation of materials, substances and products (to highlight the trace picture of the event); forensic medical, psychological and psychiatric knowledge (for the purpose of establishing and studying the identity of the offender and the identity of the victim). Special knowledge is applied comprehensively and systematically, not limited to the above list, in various forms and with the aim of achieving the objectives of criminal proceedings. Conclusions. During the formation of the forensic characteristics of criminal offenses committed by arson, the use of special knowledge is mandatory, because it contributes to the knowledge of the event of the criminal offense and is the basis for the subsequent effective pre-trial investigation and trial.

Keywords: investigation; fire; specialist; criminal proceedings; traces.


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Author Biography

A. Lisitskyi

Researcher of the of the Department of Criminology and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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