Formation of Mediation Skills in Future Law Enforcement Officers
The relevance of the study is due to the need to improve the mediation skills of law enforcement officers, which is due to the current trends of European integration processes in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to determine the ways of formation of mediation skills in future law enforcement officers. The methodology of problem analysis consisted of the general theory of professional activity and the socio-psychological theory of communication, which is based on both differentiation and integration of existing knowledge in various fields. On this basis, the essence of mediation is determined, as a technology of alternative settlement of disputes with the participation of an impartial third party, not interested in this conflict – a mediator. Research results. The essence of the concept of mediation, its types and specifics of application in law enforcement activities are defined. The directions and methods of formation of mediation skills in the process of professional training of law enforcement officers are outlined. The content structure of the educational discipline «Mediation in law enforcement activities» is described, taking into account the specifics of the relevant field: in juvenile prevention, patrolling mass events, negotiation activities. The need to use the case method and business game in the process of modeling situations of professional interaction is substantiated. It was determined that the mediator’s professionalism is an important, but not the only, condition for obtaining a positive result in this process. Competence and experience can and should be supplemented (depending on the situation) by such non-formalized factors as leadership, authority, possession of mechanisms of socio-psychological influence, etc. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the systematization of knowledge about the general nature of mediation, as well as highlighting its specifics in law enforcement activities. The practical significance is represented by the definition of practical methods of formation of mediation skills in future law enforcement officers in the process of professional training.Keywords: law enforcement activity; mediation; communication; conflict; juvenile prevention; mass behavior; negotiation activity.
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