Psychological and Organizational, Tactical Characteristics of Activity Joint Investigative Teams during the Investigation of Criminal Offenses
The scientific article is devoted to the coverage of topical issues related to the activities of joint investigative teams during the investigation of criminal offenses. When solving the issue of international cooperation, the competent bodies of the states interact in various forms, each of which has its own characteristics and is aimed at achieving the objectives of criminal proceedings. A higher form of organization of interaction between competent state bodies during the investigation of criminal offenses is considered, because the joint investigative team carries out not only separate procedural actions, but also special tactical operations to ensure a quick, complete and impartial investigation of criminal offenses. The purpose of the article is the formation of psychological and organizational-tactical foundations, as complementary elements, in the activities of joint investigative teams during the investigation of criminal offenses. Methodological tools are chosen in accordance with the set goal, specifics of the object and subject of research. The fundamental level of philosophical methodology in the jurisdictional process is the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge of legal reality. The defining methods of scientific research are terminological analysis (establishing the conceptual framework for the creation of joint investigative teams), comparative legal analysis (the operation of joint investigative teams in accordance with national and international legislation), the method of psychological influence (the formation and development of professional and psychological abilities and skills in sub objects of the criminal process), induction and deduction (internal and external interaction of members of joint investigative teams during the investigation of criminal offenses for a common goal), system-structural (determination of organizational and tactical features in the activities of joint investigative teams, using special psychological knowledge). The scientific novelty of the publication consists in highlighting the organizational, tactical and psychological foundations of the activity of joint investigative teams during international cooperation in the investigation of criminal offenses. At the moment, problematic aspects of the interaction of the participants of the joint investigative teams remain on the periphery of the improvement of activities in relation to the new institute of international cooperation. In view of this fact, attention is focused on establishing psychological contact between participants in the middle of the team (intra-personal approach), as well as organizing external interaction with the competent authorities of foreign states, international organizations and a wide range of subjects of criminal justice, directly during the investigative and other procedural actions. The organizational and tactical activity of joint investigative teams is characterized and it is established that the use of tactical techniques (combinations, operations) during the investigation of criminal offenses, combined with the knowledge, skills and abilities of the science of psychology, are complementary components for achieving the set goal in the fight against international crime. Conclusions. The activity of a special form of international cooperation - joint investigative teams is of great importance for the successful investigation of criminal offenses both through internal interaction and in the international space. The use of tactical techniques (combinations, operations) by the joint investigative team during procedural actions has a complementary effect using the method of psychological contact (influence), and thus contributes to the effectiveness of the investigation at all levels of interaction.
Keywords: international cooperation; tactical reception; psychological influence; interaction; participants; criminal justice.
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