Communicative Component of the Police Officer’s Professional Activity
Research actuality is due to the need to constantly improve the professional communicative competence of the police officer, as an integral characteristic that determines the ability to solve professional problems and typical professional tasks that arise in real situations of professional activity, using knowledge, professional and life experience, values and abilities. Research aim is to determine the role of the communicative component in the professional activity of a police officer; description of its main components and features that form a high level of communicative competence. The methodology of the analysis of the problem was made up of scientific concepts of the study of certain aspects of professional communication in the activities of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine. Research results. The role of the policeman's communication skills and the prerequisites for their formation, which are components of professional success, are defined. The main determinants of the formation of the professional competence of a police officer and their role in ensuring police activity are outlined. The importance of the communicative component in the professional activity of police officers is analyzed. The essence of communication barriers and their influence on the implementation of the tasks of the communication process has been clarified. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization and systematization of research results regarding the peculiarities of the communicative component in the professional activity of a police officer. The practical meaningfulness is presented in determining the formation of communicative competence as a component of the professional training of a police officer, since its improvement in all spheres of life ultimately means: rationalization of the mechanisms of managing society; establishing dialogue as a priority form of communication, as the only way to solve global problems of «civilizational challenges»; formation of a moral and spiritual personality by expanding the level of responsibility and freedom.
Keywords: communicative process; professional activity; professional competence; communicative skills; determinant; result; rationalization; police officer.
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