Psychological Mechanisms of Using Tactical Techniques during an Investigative Experiment with the Participation of Minor Victims with Defects of Psycho-Physical Development


The scientific article is devoted to the coverage of topical issues that arise in the practical investigative units of the National Police of Ukraine during the investigative experiment involving minor victims with psychophysical disabilities. The purpose of the article is to research and highlight the content of the characteristics of a minor victim with psychophysical developmental disabilities, to reveal the essence of the psychological mechanisms of using tactical techniques with the participation of minor victims with psychophysical developmental disabilities during an investigative experiment, as well as to achieve a scientific result in the form of theoretical provisions regarding practical recommendations their application. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method, which contributed to the understanding of the research object in the context of combining the needs of science and practice; methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy), which made it possible to examine in more detail the psychological mechanisms of using tactical techniques with the participation of minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development during the investigative experiment; historical and legal method, which was used to clarify the content of the concepts «tactical technique», «psychological mechanisms of using tactical techniques», «psychological mechanisms of using tactical techniques with the participation of minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development», structural – for the purpose of formulating tasks to be implemented with the help of psychological mechanisms of using tactical techniques with the participation of this category of persons. The scientific novelty consists in identifying the psychological mechanisms of the use of tactical techniques with the participation of minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development during the investigative experiment. The necessity of mandatory consideration during the forensic investigation of the person of the minor victim with disabilities of psychophysical development, his individual, mental, physical and mental characteristics, which affect the process of conducting and qualitative documentation of the investigative experiment, is substantiated. Conclusions. One of the effective tools that can provide positive scientific and applied results in the course of a pre-trial investigation involving minors with psychophysical developmental disabilities, in particular, during an investigative experiment, is a thorough study of the psychological mechanism of using tactical techniques. Psychological mechanisms of using tactical techniques with the participation of minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development during the investigative experiment involves direct interaction between the person conducting the investigative (search) action and the minor victim with disabilities of psychophysical development, including the psychological focus of the authorized person on finding out the truth and its use of scientific methods in the process of reproducing actions from various scientific fields, such as psychology - the science of the soul, anthropology – the science of man, valeology – the science of human health. The development and improvement of psychological mechanisms for the use of tactical techniques during an investigative experiment with the participation of minors with disabilities of psychophysical development should closely interact with the directions of science that study mental phenomena and human behavior, because with the help of this relationship, the authorized person may be able to achieve the desired result under the time of conducting an investigative experiment with the participation of minors of this category.

Keywords: criminal proceedings; criminalistics; tactical reception; psychological mechanism; investigative experiment, a minor, defects of psychophysical development.


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Author Biography

A. Suvorova

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine


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