Individual-Typological Properties as a Professional Performance of Polygraphologists
Abstract: Professionalism is an integral property, the result of a person's ontogenesis in the process of his professionalization. Individual and typological properties of a person leave their mark on his professional activity, although different professions make their own requirements for different properties. Individual-typological features change little during the professional path and are among the most stable properties. That is why the aim of the study was the empirical study of individual and typological features of polygraph examiners of different ages and genders. The methodological basis of the research was modern scientific views on the profession of the individual. The used structural-logical method, methods of empirical psychological research (testing), comparative analysis contributed to the achievement of the research goal. The empirical base of scientific intelligence was compiled by polygraph examiners (n=18) who took advanced training courses at the National Academy of Internal Affairs in the fall of 2022. Scientific novelty. The individual and typological features of polygraph examiners with more than 2 years of practical experience were studied and described, their gender and differential features depending on age were determined. It has been established that the characteristic features of polygraph examiners are communicativeness, the ability to think quickly, make decisions independently, show emotional restraint, and openness to new knowledge. The differential differences of polygraph examiners of the same age (34–45 years), but of different gender, are manifested in self-demandingness, formality of interpersonal contacts, mistrust, talkativeness of female polygraph examiners, and in restraint during communication and risk-taking of male polygraph examiners. Male polygraph examiners aged 34–45 years are prone to trusting and compliant communication, in contrast to their younger but demanding male colleagues aged 25–33 years. Gender differences are manifested in restraint, reticence, tendency to subjugate, possible violations of social requirements and manifestations of inattention to sub-experts by male polygraph examiners and in haste, practicality, possible manifestations of rigidity of female polygraph examiners. It was determined that the indicators of sociability, emotional stability, expressiveness, courage, practicality, sensitivity, diplomacy, and self-control of poly graphologists increase with age. Instead, indicators of dominance, normativity of behavior, suspiciousness, anxiety, radicalism, nonconformism, and tension decrease
Keywords: polygraph; professionogenesis; professional profile; communication; self-control; diplomacy
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