Determinants of Appearance and Features of Manifestations of Mental Behavioral Disorders under Military Conditions
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the main determinants of the appearance and features of the manifestations of mental behavioral disorders. The scientific concepts of the study of externalized manifestations formed the methodological basis of the article. The methodological toolkit was chosen in accordance with the defined goal, the specifics of the object and the subject of research. The external factors of the formation of mental behavioral manifestations are considered, and their consequences for the mental and somatic health of the individual are determined. The most common types of externalized disorders are characterized as a result of a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the individual in conditions of chronic and critical stress experienced by the individual. The impact of psychological trauma on the formation of maladaptive disorders is revealed, and the main development options are characterized depending on this. The main determinants of the formation of externalized disorders and their manifestations in the conditions of martial law are outlined. The essence of mental states as a form of self-regulation of the psyche and an important mechanism of integration of the integrity of the individual is analyzed. The determinants of the formation of aggressive behavior and the main directions of their correction are considered and described. Behavioral deviations are analyzed as a mechanism of social and psychological compensation and a risk factor. The main symptoms characteristic of behavioral disorders and types of destructive consequences have been determined. Depending on this, the types of maladaptive reactions and mental behavioral manifestations in the conditions of martial law are determined. The scientific novelty consists in the systematization and generalization of the results of research devoted to the study of the features of the determinants of the appearance and features of the manifestation of mental behavioral disorders in the conditions of martial law. Determinants of the formation of mental behavioral disorders in the conditions of martial law, their characteristic manifestations and psychosocial consequences are determined
Keywords: mental behavioral disorders; externalizing disorders; martial law; personal destruction
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