Organizational and Tactical and Psychological Fundamentals Conduct of Forensic art Examinations in Criminal Proceedings

  • Oleksandr SHULHA

    Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Chief Forensic Specialist of the Department Forensic Support Main Investigative of the Department National Police of Ukraine

    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Tetiana LELIUK

    Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Doctoral Student of the Department of Forensics
    and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The activity of investigating criminal offenses, in particular in the field of encroachment on objects of cultural heritage, cultural values, etc., requires recourse to special knowledge, in particular in the form of conducting expert research, which in turn contributes to the knowledge of the event of a criminal offense, establishing the circumstances of its commission, damages caused by the criminal actions of the offender, as well as material and moral damage caused to the victim. At the same time, in the course of conducting examinations in criminal proceedings, their proper organization is important, which provides for a specific sequence of actions of those authorized to appoint and conduct forensic examinations of subjects. This necessitates a thorough study, which in turn is the purpose of a scientific article. The scientific novelty consists in elucidating the organizational and tactical-psychological principles of conducting forensic art examinations in criminal proceedings. It was established that the organizational aspect of the appointment of a forensic art examination involves a set of actions of the investigator, inquirer, prosecutor, as the subject of initiation of expert research, namely: the choice of an expert institution in which the examination will be conducted or an expert for the appointment of a forensic art examination; definition of the object and task of the research; posing questions of the exercise and drawing up a resolution on its appointment; consultation with an expert conducting expert research; assessment of the correctness of drawing up the expert's opinion. It has been established that the conduct of a forensic art examination by its nature and content is a rather complex process, during which the investigator, inquirer, prosecutor must constantly interact with an expert institution or a specific expert who will conduct an expert investigation


Keywords: investigation organization; forensic examination; forensic art examination; cultural values; works of art; tactics; criminal proceedings


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Author Biographies

Oleksandr SHULHA

Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Chief Forensic Specialist of the Department Forensic Support Main Investigative of the Department National Police of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine

Tetiana LELIUK

Doctor of Philosophy in Law, Doctoral Student of the Department of Forensics
and Forensic Medicine of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


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