Martial law and Possible Transformations of the Policeman's Personality
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of the impact of martial law in our country on the potential transformations of the personality of a modern police officer. The methodological basis for the analysis of this problem is the conceptual approaches to the impact of military operations on a person and his or her life in the domestic and foreign scientific space. The methodological tools were chosen in accordance with the stated purpose, specifics of the object and subject of the study. The article examines the content of a number of fundamental scientific and applied studies on the impact of war on the mental health of citizens. It is emphasized that the performance of professional duties by the employees of the National Police of Ukraine is carried out in special psychologically stressful conditions, where wartime is an objective determinant of their complication. In addition to the usual psychological signs, the entire palette of problems of the current martial law experienced by other citizens of our country affects the course of the police officers’ professional duties. The scientific novelty of the article is to systematize and summarize the results of research on the problem of the impact of military operations on the possible transformations of the personality of a police officer of the National Police of Ukraine. It is proved that the personal transformations of a modern police officer can be both positive and cause difficulties in the further integration of the personality into service in a peaceful life. The professional performance of law enforcement tasks by police officers has a number of key prerequisites: effective professional selection, successful professional and psychological training, and the implementation of effective psychological support and rehabilitation measures
Keywords: police officer’s personality, wartime influence, psychological trauma, personal transformations, adaptive capabilities of the individual
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