Psychological Peculiarities of the Behavior of the Buller and the Victim
Abstract. Life without conflicts is impossible, and the problem of bullying among adolescents is becoming more and more urgent every day. One of the main prerequisites for violence in the educational space is a respectful attitude to the personality of a teenager. The system of relationships at school is an integral part of the social situation of development, which determines the content and dynamics of all the main personal achievements of the child. It determines the direction of external influences and conditions into the inner essence of a growing personality; these transformations are transformed through the child’s feelings and emotional experience. The modality of experiences directly depends on the child’s relationships with both peers and adults. The article highlights the features and causes of bullying in educational groups, the role of the teacher in bullying, and describes possible consequences. The purpose of the study is to identify the causes of bullying in the children's team, the tasks are to define the concept of "bullying" and outline the features of its prevention, to find out the main factors that affect the dynamics of bullying of children. The following methods were used to fulfill the tasks: systematization and generalization of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, scientific-methodological literature on the problems of resolving conflict situations, the method of scientific research, empirical research methods (generalization, comparison). It has been established that in the conditions of modern Ukrainian schools, systematic work on the prevention and cessation of bullying is almost not carried out. The main ways of working with existing episodes of bullying are individual work with those who find themselves in the role of aggressor and victim, as well as work with the classroom community. The main strategies of activity in this direction are determined to increase tolerance and develop self-regulation skills of aggressors, social competence of children who have become the subject of bullying, establishment of an atmosphere of mutual help and support, mutual trust in the classroom
Keywords: bulling; initial mortgage; children; violence; aggression; cyberbullying
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