Prerequisites for the Legitimate Manifestation of Aggression in the Professional Activities of Police Officers
Abstract. Determinate the prerequisites for the legitimate manifestation of aggression in police activity. A complex of methods was used in the scientific research, which includes: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and interpretation of literary sources and theoretical approaches on selected issues), empirical methods (survey, testing); mathematical and statistical methods. The method of quantitative analysis (correlation analysis) was used to process empirical data. Methodological support of the psycho-diagnostic research was carried out with the help of the following methods: 1. The author’s questionnaire "Aggression in the activity of a policeman". 2. Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory; 3. Rotter’s Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. 4. Morosanova’s Style of self-regulation of behavior; 5. Questionnaire of the level of legitimization of aggression "LA-44". 6. Wagner’s "Hand-test". In the scientific research was: 1) the prerequisites of legitimate manifestation of aggression in the activities of police officers were empirically studied. 2) the relationship between the indicators of the methods was revealed using correlation analysis. Legitimized aggression in the professional activity of police officers is determined by the acceptability and justification of various forms of aggressive behavior by attributing a socially approved (legitimate) status. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that, on the one hand, the showing of aggression in the activities of a police officer is not acceptable, and on the other hand, it is allowed – it is legitimized, and everything depends on the specific situation. The reasons for the manifestation of aggression can be statements towards a police officer that demean his honor and dignity, a sense of injustice, and the difficulty of self-regulation of a police officer in critical situations. Aggression is justified and approved (legitimized) in official activities, in particular, in situations where aggressive actions are taken against the police officer himself and disobedience to his legal requirements is carried out. With the help of correlation analysis, the prerequisites for the legitimate manifestation of aggression by law enforcement officers were revealed. Police officers who have a high level of aggressiveness can resort to approving various forms of aggression, giving them a legitimate status. The predominance of the external locus of control of police officers negatively affects the perceived self-regulation of the police officer, the independence, flexibility and adequacy of the reactions of police officers, which can hinder the achievement of the goal and the efficiency of the performance of official duties, including excessive, uncontrolled manifestation of aggression. The prospect of further research is the development of recommendations for the prevention of excess of official duties
Keywords: law enforcement officer; level of aggressiveness; aggressive behavior; National Police of Ukraine; self-regulation of behavior; danger; conflict; aggressiveness index
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