Features of the Implementation of the System of Psychological Ensuring the Professional Activities of the Employees of the Equestrian Unit of the Police
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the essence and content of psychological support of the professional activity of employees of the mounted police unit, the patrol police department, and the National Police of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological basis of the article was made up of normative legal acts, laws and orders regarding the order of organization of the system of psychological support of policemen and employees of the National Police. The methodological toolkit was chosen in accordance with the defined goal, the specifics of the object and the subject of research. The normative and legal framework according to which the psychological support of the police officer's professional activity is implemented is considered. The tasks, principles and functions of the psychological support system are described. The essence of psychological support of a police officer and ways of its implementation are characterized. The peculiarities of the professional activity of the police cavalry unit of the police are disclosed. The peculiarities of the psychological training of a mounted police officer, aimed at developing the necessary skills, thinking and stability for the effective performance of one's duties while working with horses, are considered and described. The main ways of implementing the psychological training of the objects of the psychological support system are outlined, by using situational tasks, trainings, intensive seminars that include a practical component. The psycho-prophylactic direction of the system of psychological support as a system of influences on the personality of the police officer aimed at maintaining the functional state of the individual at a favorable level is analyzed. The determinants of the formation of a stress-resistant comprehensively developed personality of a police cavalry unit of the police are considered and described. The main components of the psychological support of the cavalryman's professional activity have been analyzed. The importance of taking into account the specificity of the conditions of the activities performed by the policemen of the mounted police unit is determined and, depending on this, the specifics of the implementation of the psychological support system are determined activity. The essence, content and peculiarities of the implementation of the system of psychological support for policemen of the mounted police unit have been determined
Keywords: psychological support; mounted police unit; psychological preparation; psychological support
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