Telephone Addiction in Youth: Features of Influence on Personality Development
Abstract. The interaction of a person with information platforms, networks, technical means, mobile communication actively penetrates into all, without exception, spheres of life. At the same time, expanding the abilities of the individual, giving him new opportunities for development, drawing resources and creating additional barriers and dangers. Mobile devices provide many opportunities and conveniences such as quick access to information, social networks, online games and communication with others. The rapid development of the possibilities of technological possibilities for a person, which is due to the progress of information technologies and their wide application both in the professional sphere and in everyday life, actualizes a number of questions that arise before youth and are caused by the emergence of a new type of behavioral addiction – telephone addiction. Addiction in adolescence can arise from various factors, including for example: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, computer games, social networks and mobile devices. The purpose of the study: to study the problem of addiction in youth and to identify factors that contribute to the development of this problem. Young people are in a period of active physical, emotional and social development, which makes them more vulnerable to risky behaviors and the formation of addictions. The consequences of addiction in youth can be serious and affect various areas of life. Physical consequences can include health problems, physical impairment, and substance dependence. Psychological consequences can include reduced self-esteem, problems with stimulation and development, emotional and mental problems, and impaired academic achievement. Addiction in youth can also have a negative impact on social relationships and integration into society. Young people suffering from addiction can lose interest in school, lose friends and good relationships with family, and get into conflicts with the law. Analyzing and understanding the problem of addiction in adolescence is important for the development of effective prevention and intervention strategies. However, excessive use of these devices can lead to loss of control, reduced academic achievement, sleep problems, social isolation and psychological problems. This article highlights the problem of mobile addiction in youth. The article highlights the issue of how addiction affects the mental and physical health, relationships and personal development of young people. Research in this area helps identify risk factors and protective factors that influence the development of addiction
Keywords: addiction; dependence; tolerance; anxiety; vulnerability; deviant behavior
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