Features of the Tactics of Education of Juvenile Victims with Defects of Psycho-Physical Development
Abstract. The scientific article is devoted to the coverage of topical issues that arise during the examination of minor victims with psychophysical disabilities, the peculiarities of the use of tactical techniques during the examination of persons of the specified category are investigated. The purpose of the article is to develop the tactical foundations of conducting an investigation with the participation of minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development, the formation of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for their application. A system of general scientific and special methods was used. With the help of the historical-legal method, the stages of the development of legislation and the needs of today’s practice are determined. The use of the dogmatic method helped clarify the content of the main concepts, such as: "survey", "survey tactics", "minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development". The dialectical method was used to understand the object of research in the context of combining the needs of science and practice. The scientific novelty consists in the identification of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations during the examination involving children of the specified category, taking into account their individual, mental, physical and mental characteristics, which affect the process of conducting this investigative (search) action. A theoretically based approach to the use of tactical techniques will ensure the realization of the right of minors under investigation with disabilities of psychophysical development to respect for their honor and dignity, the right to bodily integrity, as well as the prevention of actions that may harm their life and health. Peculiarities of the examination of the body of minor victims with disabilities of psychophysical development in a number of cases are related to the fact that this category of children is mentally unstable, emotionally hypersensitive to the environment, has a specific imagination and distracted attention due to a pathological state of health. Therefore, taking into account the psycho-emotional state of the child, taking into account the peculiarities of the disease and physical limitations, the investigator during the investigation should use tactical techniques based not only on knowledge of criminal procedural legislation, but also borrow knowledge from those branches of science that investigate the mental processes of a person, volition , emotional and mental states, which will help not only to create an environment reduced to a minimum of emotional tension, but also to facilitate a comfortable stay taking into account the needs of the minor
Keywords: criminal proceedings; criminalistics; tactical reception; study; a minor; disabilities of development
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