Psychological Principles and Possibilities Increasing the Efficiency of the Psychodiagnostic Study of the Staff of the National Police of Ukraine

  • Viacheslav ANDROSIUK

    PhD in Psychology, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory
    on Problems of Psychological Support and Psychophysiological Research of Educational and Scientific Institute of Correspondence and Distance Learning of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Vadym BARKO

    Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chief Research Fellow of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

    Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Vadym BARKO

    PhD in Pedagogy, Leading Research Fellow of the State Research Institute
    of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

    Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The article examines the problem of searching for psychological principles and the opportunities arising from them to improve psychodiagnostic research and the psychological toolkit of psychologists of the National Police of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation and practical confirmation of the optimal psychodiagnostic set of methods for researching the individual and personal characteristics of police personnel. The research methodology was made up of the concepts of multi-level integral individuality and orthogonal personality models. Research results. The complementarity of the proposed complex of methods, the compliance with the requirements of optimality and complexity of the approach aimed at identifying opposite polar leading trends was confirmed. It has been confirmed that the complex of methods enables quick determination of typological characteristics of a person (extraversion, neuroticism, rigidity, lability; leading trends); characterological properties (conscientiousness, compliance, openness to experience); possible variants of maladaptation (depressive, demonstrative, psychopathic, psychasthenic, paranoid, etc.). Scientific novelty. The applied set of methods is close to the optimal one, clearly fits into the orthogonal model of individuality, involves the diagnosis of the main components of the multi-level model, does not require significant time expenditure on the part of psychologists and respondents. It is appropriate to include some other techniques based on orthogonal models in the complex. Increasing the prognostic accuracy of the diagnosis is possible due to the wider use of methods of ideographic research of the personality. Practical significance. The comprehensive use of a number of foreign subjective psychodiagnostic questionnaires adapted to the Ukrainian language makes it possible to determine the personal typology of employees, other individual and personal characteristics, which will make it possible to effectively use these methods for the purpose of psychological support of police officers, in particular, during the professional selection of personnel and the appointment of persons
to positions.


Keywords: psychological diagnosis; psychological principles; psychodiagnostic methods; systematicity; optimization; holism; elementalism.


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Author Biographies

Viacheslav ANDROSIUK

PhD in Psychology, Professor, Leading Research Fellow of the Scientific Laboratory
on Problems of Psychological Support and Psychophysiological Research of Educational and Scientific Institute of Correspondence and Distance Learning of the National Academy of Internal Affairs

Kyiv, Ukraine


Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chief Research Fellow of the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine


PhD in Pedagogy, Leading Research Fellow of the State Research Institute
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine


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